
Two Sisters Who Changed the Medical Profession

How to use Apple’s Keychain password manager in Google Chrome

This is how Google will collapse

Spotify patent would suggest songs based on users' emotions

Guarded Horn Clauses: A Parallel Logic PL with the Concept of a Guard (1987)

Amazon’s Ring now reportedly partners with 2k US police and fire departments

It Feels Like the Game Is Rigged

Signal, Telegram rendered useless during Myanmar coup – deauth + SMS offline

Rolex's Manufacturing Facilities (2015)

The Cloak-and-Dagger Tale Behind an Anticipated Result in Particle Physics

Salt Fat Acid Defeat: The restaurant before and after Covid

Spotify wins patent to surveil users’ emotions to recommend music

James Baldwin, Here and Elsewhere

That’s Big Sir to You (SuperDuper, Big Sur)

Myanmar military takes control of country after detaining Aung San Suu Kyi

Semgrep: JavaScript browser security concat bypass not detected

Show HN: A retrainable subtitle synchronizer you can now build your own

Uf2: USB Flashing Format

Bedrock Linux – a meta Linux distribution

Naked shorting: The curious incident of the shares that didn't exist (2005)

AMD vs. Intel vs. Nvidia: How Users Are Switching

All stories are wrong but some are useful

Chicago Museum – Public Access to Our Public Presence: Sharing Our API

3D reconstructions using a phone and employing binary encoded modulation LEDs

Academics Are Worried About Cancel Culture

Satellites orbiting Earth are increasing like crazy — how do we prevent them from crashing?

How does Clang 2.7 hold up in 2021?

Crun: Fully featured OCI runtime and C library for running containers

Decentro (YC S20) Is Hiring Senior Back-End Engineers

The Virus Changed. Now We Must ‘Get to Zero’ or Face Catastrophe

FM Reception with the GNU Radio Companion

Global Inequality

The Drawbacks of P2P (and a Defense of Signal)

7: Jim Cramer Exposes Illegal Hedge Fund Tactics

An Archeologist’s Guide to Beer Cans

Chronicles of a Bubble Tea Addict

Build your own X, a collection of tutorials (Search engine, Neural Net, etc.)

I work on code search at GitHub – what needs to improve?

MDMA Solo – A practical guide for healing your self [pdf]

CDC website built by Deloitte at a cost of $44M is abandoned due to bugs

RV64X: A Free, open-source GPU for RISC-V

Dodger Stadium vaccination site shut down amid protest

Airwindows – Free VST Plugins for Mac, Windows and Linux

‘Meme stock’ rally rescues AMC theaters from $600M debt

My 90s TV: Browse 90s Television

Fixing 200 broken raspberry Pis to prevent e-waste and donating the money raised

In Philadelphia, a Scandal Erupts over Vaccination Startup Led by 22-Year-Old

University of Leicester firing all pure math faculty

Solarwinds hack explained in detail by a software engineer

Research establishes antibiotic potential for cannabis molecule

Node.js/V8 dynamic code injection from outside of the process

Element (Matrix chat app) suspended from the Google Play Store

Humanlike thumb dexterity may date back as far as 2M years ago

Texas DPS mistakenly sends out Amber Alert for Chucky doll

How a Cancer Drug Carrier's Structure Can Help Selectively Target Cancer Cells

Nyxt browser: mouseless copy/paste

Moonstruck Sleep: Synchronization of Human Sleep with the Moon Cycle [pdf]

Turbo Pascal: A Great Choice for Programming Under CP/M (2013)

Creating my awesome Windows 10 dev setup

Element Was Suspended from the Playstore

A dedicated licence for open-source hardware: CERN OHL approved by OSI

Netflix is testing a sleep timer for your late night binges

siliconpr0n: High Resolution Chip Maps

Keyboard that shocks you if you type with incorrect technique [video]

Apple Silicon M1 supports “billion of colors” a.k.a. HDR 10-bit output

Fresh from Ganymede (2020)

[ASAP] Enantioselective Synthesis of -Alkylamines through β-Amino C–H Functionalization Promoted by Cooperative Actions of B(C6F5)3 and a Chiral Lewis Acid Co-Catalyst

1938 vs. 1940 (2018)

Europe's Vaccine Disaster

Has science solved one of history’s greatest adventure mysteries?

Mocks Aren't Stubs (2007)

Xiaomi’s Air Charge tech looks magical — but I have a million questions

A Look at iMessage in iOS 14

Google Deletes Nearly 100k Negative Reviews of Robinhood App

Rooting Bosch lcn2kai Headunit for a car infotainment system

The Architecture of My Life

Facebook shuts popular stock trading group amid GameStop frenzy

Transfer Stocks Out of Your Robinhood Account

Unix Programmer's Manual, First Edition (1971)

A Writer Lost His Singing Voice, Then Discovered the 'Gymnastics' of Speech

Interest rates have been declining globally for the past 700 years (2020)

HackerRank (YC S11) Is Hiring a Senior Product designer

Cuffless device delivers clinically accurate blood pressure measurements

Habitat 67, Montreal's 'failed dream'

[ASAP] Role of Nanoscale Interfacial Proximity in Contact Freezing in Water

[ASAP] Direct Optical Lithography of Colloidal Metal Oxide Nanomaterials for Diffractive Optical Elements with 2π Phase Control

Telegram just made it easy to import WhatsApp chats

How to get over the intimidation factor and start loving hardcore strategy games

Over 100'000 of reviews for Robinhood app suddenly disappeared

Robinhood is said to draw on bank credit lines amid tumult

Show HN: krunvm – Create and run lightweight VMs from OCI images

New online tool reveals Raphael's Sistine Chapel cartoons in stunning detail

Buckminster Fuller on a long thin wire

JaaS: The team that builds Jitsi can now also run it for you

Butterfly wing clap explains mystery of flight

The Climate Crisis Is Worse Than You Can Imagine. Here’s What Happens If You Try

Zuckerberg is wrong about WhatsApp’s superiority over iMessage

Where do we go from here and who is going to step up to help us?

Let's Not Dumb Down the History of Computer Science (2014)

Long-term study reveals harm in regular cannabis use

CVE-2021-3156: Sudo privilege escalation

Love and Death: “Quality of life” calculations leave out much that matters

High-Low Frequency Detectors

Pardon the Intrusion #35: WhatsApp’s Messaging Mess

Zuckerberg promises Facebook will show less political content from now on

Resurgence of Covid-19 in Manaus, Brazil, despite high seroprevalence

Exploring the nature of genius

Show HN: Open Covid-19 Vaccine Appointments

More than 100M Americans have diabetes or prediabetes (2017)

Window System Design: If I had it to do over again in 2002 [pdf]

How do wombats poop cubes? Scientists get to the bottom of the mystery

Where do we go from here and who is going to step up to help us?

[ASAP] Addition to “Nonadditive Ion Effects Drive Both Collapse and Swelling of Thermoresponsive Polymers in Water”

Fix Terminals

The Ghosts of Mark Fisher

Crony Beliefs

Show HN: Open-source voice typing for desktop

PSA: Update your iPhone to iOS 14.4 right now to protect it from active bug exploits

Finding the Time for Ancient Novels

Agent fired from literary agency for using Parler and Gab

A worry junior engineers frequently have is that they ask too many questions

I tried to report scientific misconduct. How did it go?

Navy “UFO Patent” Documents Talk of “Spacetime Modification Weapon”

Silicon Valley is shutting down speech loopholes. Latest target: live content

Programming in Five Easy Pieces

CircuitPython: Programming Hardware in Python

Frugal Web Browser: A Design Experiment

How do I safely store my files?

A minimalistic site to vent and see others doing the same in realtime

A Very Detailed Guide on Split Keyboards and How to Build Them

JITX – Software-Defined Electronics

[ASAP] Experimental and Theoretical Evidence for Aromatic Stabilization Energy in Large Macrocycles

[ASAP] A Diverse Library of Chiral Cyclopropane Scaffolds via Chemoenzymatic Assembly and Diversification of Cyclopropyl Ketones