
The Terraform Registry Terms of Service have been updated

Wii Architecture – A Practical Analysis

Nougat: Neural Optical Understanding for Academic Documents

Three Antiquities Traffickers and Their Fall from Grace

Making Amiga IFF Thumbnails Work in Linux

Equation Group Tools

Home – Database of Databases

How far can you jump from a swing?

ISPs Should Not Police Online Speech – No Matter How Awful It Is

Bobbi Gibb: The Boston Marathon pioneer who raced a lie

Loose Lips Save Sunken Ships

Dog who served on both sides of the American Revolution

What do I think about Community Notes?

Souvenir Spoons Museum

Allie Beth Allman, the Queen of Highland Park

The Pitting PowerBook (2005)

Show HN: Dumbar, a not so smart menubar app

This isn’t the way to speed up Rust compile times

Show HN: TRS-GPT - ChatGPT client/server for the TRS-80

Armed with traffic cones, protesters are immobilizing driverless cars

SwiftUI Is Convenient, but Slow (2022)

CVE Is Everything Terrible About the System

X to use Israeli software to require selfie, govt-issued ID for verification

The Case For – and Against – Apple Shipping a Larger iMac

Preventing software piracy with crypto-microprocessors (1980) [pdf]

Domain Repetition

Distributed Consensus

Tornado Cash devs charged with laundering more than $1B

My Pebble mood tracker app from 2016

Have You Ever Heard of the Fernet Encryption Algorithm?

Bluegrass Archive

Associated Press clarifies standards around generative AI

Educational Codebases

16-bit Serial Homebrew CPU – 2023

This Can't Go On (2021)

The Authors Whose Pirated Books Are Powering Generative AI

Indie Game Dev: Assessing Risk

An Open Letter to Hobbyists (1976)

The Atlas of Economic Complexity

Artists have forgotten how to draw

How the Army tried and failed to build a bicycle corps (2020)

Embedded Linux, Ioctl, SPI-Dev, I2C-Dev and FPGA

What Learning APL Taught Me About Python

Minimum Viable Secure Product

Cancelling our comedy show proves the point

Campus Puritans Come for an Astronomer–and His Byline

Transpiler, a Meaningless Word

New x86 8U servers with 32TB RAM, 480 physical cores, 15 PCIe x16 slots, 400GbE

Why Darwin admired the humble earthworm

ISPs complain that listing every fee is too hard, urge FCC to scrap new rule

Python: Just Write SQL

Grindr employees have 2 weeks to move across the country, RTO or lose their jobs

Babylon 5 Is a Perfect, Terrible Series

(Oversimplified) History of Retro Game Consoles for Programmers

ML is useful for many things, but not for predicting scientific replicability


Far Manager: files and archives in Windows

Poor Clares Convent Cemetery

Freshpaint (YC S19) Is Hiring Engineers to Build a HIPAA Compliant Data Platform

Anti-Ugly Action

Samsung Remote Test Lab: Run Emulated Samsung Phones from the Browser

Sites scramble to block ChatGPT web crawler after instructions emerge

Web Environment Integrity has no standing at W3C; understanding new W3C work

Mux (YC W16) Is Hiring a Director of Engineering for Data/Platform Teams

ARM’s Cortex A710: Winning by Default

Phase in Acoustics

80% of bosses say they regret earlier return-to-office plans

General and Surprising (2017)

A bit of ST and a bit of IO: Designing a DCPU-16 emulator

HashiCorp Adopts Business Source License

A superconductor claim blew up online. Science has punctured it

The Telephone (1997)

LK-99: Phonon Bands, Localized Flat Band Magnetism, Models, & Chemical Analysis

Simon's Proto-Germanic Reconstructed Pronunciation Guide [video]

How to stop the “login with Google” pop up window?

Show HN: Doculite – Use SQLite as a Document Database

Windows Repair Toolbox

Serial murders have dwindled, thanks to improved technology

The Billionaire Who Controls Your Medical Records (2021)

First video of LK-99 Full Levitation, a.k.a. flux-pinning

A Short Ballad Dedicated to the Growth of Programs (1986)

DisplayPort: Taming the Altmode

“The most beautiful of all printed books,” the Kelmscott Chaucer

The Windows desktop is dying

American English Dialects

Ryugu samples reveal traces of rock from before the Sun existed

Don't be clever

Royal Mail to Issue “Terry Pratchett’s Discworld” Stamps

Magic123: One Image to High-Quality 3D Object Generation

Airbyte API & Terraform Provider – available in open source

Kickstarting a book to end enshittification, because Amazon will not carry it

Moss Voltaics

Show HN: Grammar Generator App for Llama.cpp

ChromeOS is splitting the browser from the OS, getting more Linux-y

Internet providers that won FCC grants try to escape broadband commitments

DotDict: A simple Python library to make chained attributes possible

Male Moth 'Aphrodisiac' Revealed – AI-powered market research for any startup

Epicycle Clock by Sophie Houlden

A Nordic revolt against 'ugly' modern architecture